Hi peeps, RSVP for the meetup for the month of May 2019 is now open.
*Date - 18th May 2019* The schedule for the "*Security*" themed meetup is as follows - 10.35 AM - 11.15 AM : Wireless Hacking using Scapy [Rivas Hameed] 11.15 AM - 11.55 PM : OSINT using Python [Utkarsh Garg] 11.15 AM - 12.10 PM : Tea Break 12.10 PM - 12.50 PM : Keep Your Python Code Healthy [Pooja Gadige] 12.50 PM - 1.30 PM : Introduction to Cyber Reconnaissance [Ritesh Agrawal] *You can RSVP on the meetup page [0].* If you have any queries, please contact me - Abhiram ( abhi.darkn...@gmail.com ), Anirudh (anirudhast...@yahoo.com) or Ritesh ( udr.rit...@gmail.com) *Location on Google Map:* Synup, Koramangala - https://goo.gl/maps/KhpJGAfgTyj The event is free of cost. Thank you Synup and to all the speakers for coming forward! :) [0]: https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/kswpqqyzhbxb/ Thanks Abhiram R <https://twitter.com/abhicantdraw> _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list BangPypers@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers