Hey Bangpypers, Currently, only 20% of hackathon participants are women. It's a low number, unfortunately equal to the percentage of women pursuing degrees in Computer Science and reflective of the representation of women-in-tech in general as well.
We at Devfolio <https://www.facebook.com/devfolio/?__tn__=K-R&eid=ARCSYMZTJrukvl4YMrGK1GZVbxYALy-z7CUubdNiYSVyMu7UovHTYkkpGJiIkdE9Ci0jjxUwt5CWg_yK&fref=mentions&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBVNSBA4WmVTiuG0DO1mJY37gDB4l-dGDnqRghjZ1AsyGWsXeTRKytt7arhgSnn1AfkOQe5jUD3HDKKU9VGYklLhOzyOlJyKQz575ZzNrYNgx5IAFWLlWwUvpfAcIt-plYRdC4Y7tiCg96ir3ehd2GNcbAz0F91eARzsJoYfKmyNthhtjoLOxutpf2vyRy40weiMRP7Lne0Ky9j> believe that community hackathons (checkout InOut <https://hackinout.co/> and ETHIndia <http://ethindia.co> organised by us) are a great way to break down barriers to entry in the tech space for women. We’re delighted to announce India’s biggest all-women hackathon - wmn; <https://wmn.community> happening in Bangalore on 1-2 June. With wmn; we're looking to shape the way women get involved with tech. You can have fun, be creative, build, break, learn, and ask questions in a space that celebrates diversity. We're also going to have a great lineup of speakers for the conference which is free for all to attend irrespective of gender. Tickets are live here <https://devfolio.co/wmn/ticket>, get them before they disappear! In case of any queries feel free to reach out to me on den...@devfolio.co or Tanu <https://twitter.com/jaintanu1108> - tanu@wmn.community Regards, Denver Organiser wmn; <https://wmn.community/> - twitter <https://twitter.com/wmn_community>, medium <https://medium.com/wmn/introducing-wmn-b2932122c6fa> _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list BangPypers@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers