Hello Friends!

I'm excited to share that the PyLadies Bengaluru
be hosting *Talks with PyLadies* event on *March 30, 2019* at CoWrks
Koramangala <https://goo.gl/maps/aCkku7MrK782> from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

I'll appreciate your help in spreading the word among your friends,
acquaintances and co-workers, specially women who are interested in
learning about Apache Thrift, basics of NLP, testing in Python and neural
networks for processing images.

RSVP on the Meet Up event <http://meetu.ps/e/Gs3mQ/t0q1p/f> page.

PyLadies Bengaluru invites you to the upcoming event.

If you'd like to speak about your favourite Python tool, hack, package, or
you're working on something super cool that you want to share it with the
community, our Call for Proposals
 is always open for you to submit a talk!

Follow PyLadies Bengaluru on Twitter <https://twitter.com/pyladiesblr>,
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/pyladiesblr/>, LinkedIn

Thanks and Regards,
Pooja Gadige
BangPypers mailing list

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