On Tuesday 14 November 2017 12:24 AM, Anand B Pillai wrote:
> On Tuesday 14 November 2017 12:23 AM, Anand B Pillai wrote:
>> On Monday 13 November 2017 10:52 PM, Abhiram R wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> RSVP for the meetup for the month of November is now open.
>>> There is no particular theme for this month and we're keeping things
>>> generic.
>>> The schedule is as follows (the two named talks below are confirmed).
>>> 1. "Decorators demystified" - By Anand Chitipothu
>>> *2. <Slot is open> *
>> I can do a smaller version of my "Concurrency" talk which I gave in
>> PyCon India this year (it was a 3 hour workshop) which was kind of
>> popular. I had got feedback from people  who wanted a similar talk in
>> BangPypers.
>> This talk can be compressed max to 1.5 hours. Let me know.
> Here is the material. If I get sufficient response, I will do this
> https://github.com/pythonhacker/pyconindia2017concurrency

A second suggestion is an architecture of building large scale
concurrent (parallel) crawlers using Python/Redis and Django and using
Linode. This is something I am working at the moment and using daily
(weekly) to crawl > 5 million URLs from the web.

> Thanks



Software Architect/Consultant

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