
Apology for taking time to send out the weekend workshop ticket link. We
had issues with the payment gateway. Now, we're set to go.

You can buy the ticket here [0].

We will be sharing the email address of the participants with the venue for
sharing wi-fi password.


- Basic tensor definitions: (20 min)
- Building and running data flow graphs: (10 min)
- Implementing the Linear Regression formulae using data flow graphs: (30
- Visualising data flow graphs using TensorBoard: (20 min)
- Implementing Linear Regression using Gradient Descent: (35 min)
- Visualising ML training using TensorBoard: (25 min)
- Implementing a simple Neural Network for image recognition: (1 hour)

If time permits:
- Implementing a CNN for image recognition: (1 hour)
- Installation Instructions: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/

Please install the tensorflow inside python virtualenv.

Slack channel for doubts: Join #tensorflow-workshop in bangpypers.slack.com.
Invitation link: bangpypers.heroku.com


Thanks & Regards

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