
 A lot of folks complain they don't get a seat in BangPypers meet-up due to
overwhelming response.Every meetup has at least 50 to 75 waitlisted
For IoT workshop organized on March, 267 people showed interest. The venue
limit was only 60.

One of the members suggested charging a nominal fee. There was a discussion
in BangPypers mailing list. Here is the link to the entire decision
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/bangpypers/2017-March/011708.html. Please
have a look.

The general suggestion was positive to charge for the meetup. All the
organizers agreed to involve the broad audience. Hence consider answering
the question.
Depending on the survey result, we will decide how to proceed and try the
outcome as experiment unless the outcome is same as the current method.

Feel to contact any of the co-organizers or drop an email on the mailing

Please take 30 seconds to fill the survey [0].

[0]: https://goo.gl/ys6Bxo

Thanks & Regards

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