 Cradle Resume.pdf

On 21 March 2017 at 10:35, Rajni hotmail <raj...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> We are looking for a software engineer with experience in design and
> implementation of data science algorithms and programs in our product
> development division.
> Your experience should include:
> -        Web frameworks (Flask or Django)
> -        Proficient in Python and data science libraries such as NumPy,
> SciPy, Pandas, Seaborn and interactive plotting techniques, SciKit-Learn,
> PySpark and NLP algorithms and more.
> -        Big data integration (Spark with Python/ other)
> -        JSON integration
> -        A strong passion for learning and understanding of new technical
> trends.
> Please email us (emails listed below) your questions or send us your
> resumes if you would like to apply.
> Thanks!
> Rajni Bhandary
> raj...@hotmail.com
> vam...@adstockglobal.com
> Tel: 9964789119
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