Hi All,

As we all know that PythonMonth was organized from August 10th till
September 10th and it was a grand success.

PythonExpress broke its previous years records as we conducted more than 50
workshops this year. Here are the reports [0] and [1].

Am grateful to all the contributors, tutors who came forward to share their
knowledge, colleges who volunteered to organize workshop in their college,
college co-ordinators for organizing and taking care of all logistics
required for the workshop and all volunteers who helped us make this
happen. Without them, this would not have been possible.

We used PythonExpress (https://pythonexpress.in) to connect tutors and
college co-ordinator. Am looking for feedback or suggestion to help
improvise PythonExpress and also wye project in general. Please do share
your valuable feedback here [2]

[0]:  http://blog.pythonexpress.in/posts/crescent-python-month/
[1]:  http://blog.pythonexpress.in/posts/grand-show/
[2]  :

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