
Registration for PyCon India 2016 will open by 06th Jun, 2016 from 09:00
A.M. (IST).

Anyone can book the tickets from here :

Here are the pricing tiers for this year's conference:

1. Early Python                : Rs. 1000 (200 tickets. No cancellation.
2. Regular Python            : Rs. 1500
3. Student Python            : Rs. 1000
4. On-the-spot Python     : Rs. 2500 (For two days)
5. Workshop Python        : Rs. 1000 Per workshop

Tickets 1 to 4 gives you full access to the conference for two days,
including breakfast,
lunch, tea & snacks and a T-shirt. The workshop ticket has to be bought
separately for
each workshop that you want to attend. We'll announce them as soon as we
finalize them.

If you would like to talk Python at the conference, [take a look at our
submission page](https://in.pycon.org/cfp/pycon-india-2016/proposals/). Put
in a rough
draft right away. You can think about prettifying it later on. Submissions
deadline is
on the 29th of June.


Chandan Kumar
BangPypers mailing list

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