Yes, is a good site for learners (new or old). I had blogged about another such site, Codingbat, here:
Codingbat, Progress Graphs and Michael Jordan: And there are a few other sites on similar lines - the names escape me right now. Interestingly, this technology - of online editing and running of code via the browser - seems to be somewhat prevalent - even for a few compiled languages - e.g. the Go language has and D language also has such a feature, right on their front page, at . I know that some of the dynamic languages use tools like emscripten to do this, but not sure how the statically compiled languages like Go and D do it - maybe just shell out to the compiler at the back end, to do a compile of the code that was in the browser text box, and then display the output in the browser in another box, or errors if any. - Vasudev --- Vasudev Ram - Dancing Bison Enterprises Independent software consultant and trainer - Python, C, Linux, databases, open source, ... - Web site: - Blog: On 5/25/16, Ramanathan Muthaiah <> wrote: > Hello Pythonistas, > > Am not here to promote this tool for any commercial reasons. This post is > meant to be sharing from recent experience. > > As part of 'python learning' program, am working with some of my colleagues > to help them learn Python. Many of them are new to Python (some have used > Perl or Shell). This online tutor has helped them immensely, though there > are some limitations (like, modules cannot be imported). But, it cannot be > denied that the learning experience is greatly enhanced by this tool. > > Do not be mislead by the name, tool support (as claimed in the landing > site) other languages too ; however, I haven't tested them and cannot vouch > for it. > > Link to the tool's architect/creator/developer website : > > > -- > regards > Ramanathan.M > _______________________________________________ > BangPypers mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list