Hi Vijay,

I am Prashant. I wanted to ask if there is some minimum qualification
prescribed by the group to be able to give a workshop.

I haven't given a workshop before. I am not a seasoned programmer, I have
been practicing programming for about a year now (I don't code for a
living). I feel comfortable with teaching the basic topics in python (I
have taught a couple of friends, informally, of course). I would be
interested to see a list of topics that are usually covered during a basic

However, I would not be able to help for GUI or Django workshops.

Thanks in advance for your reply.


On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 6:49 PM, vijay kumar <vnbang2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
>    We have received request to conduct 3 workshops from 2 colleges in
> bangalore on March 12(Saturday).
>    Below are the topic
>    1) Basic of Python 3
>    2) Django 101
>    3) GUI programming in Python
>    Interested volunteer please do ping me so i can assign workshop your
> interested in pyrhonexpress portal.
> --
> Thanks,
> Vijay
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