Hi BangPypers,

I am using xmpppy python library to connect with XMPP server(ejabberd2) but
unable to connect and actually don't have clarity on how to connect,
authenticate and send a message to the server.

Please help me to make it working

If possible please provide some code snippet using XMPPPY.

*This is what I have tried:*

In [*1*]: from xmpp import Client

In [*2*]: cl = Client(server='', 5280)

  File "<ipython-input-2-ae974e3ec546>", line 1

    cl = Client(server='', 5280)

SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg

In [*3*]: cl = Client(server='', port =5280)

Invalid debugflag given: always

Invalid debugflag given: nodebuilder


DEBUG: Debug created for

DEBUG:  flags defined: always,nodebuilder

In [*4*]: cl.connect()

DEBUG: *socket       start Plugging <xmpp.transports.TCPsocket instance at
0x1048c6ab8> into <xmpp.client.Client instance at 0x1048c6950>*

DEBUG: *socket       warn  **An error occurred while looking up

DEBUG: *socket       start Successfully connected to remote host
('', 5280)*

DEBUG: dispatcher   start *Plugging <xmpp.dispatcher.Dispatcher instance at
0x1048c6b00> into <xmpp.client.Client instance at 0x1048c6950>*

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering namespace "unknown"

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering protocol "unknown" as <class

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering protocol "default" as <class

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering namespace "

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering protocol "unknown" as <class

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering protocol "default" as <class

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering namespace "jabber:client"

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering protocol "unknown" as <class

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering protocol "default" as <class

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering protocol "iq" as <class '
xmpp.protocol.Iq <http://xmpp.protocol.iq/>'>(jabber:client)

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering protocol "presence" as <class

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering protocol "message" as <class

DEBUG: dispatcher   info  Registering handler <bound method
Dispatcher.streamErrorHandler of <xmpp.dispatcher.Dispatcher instance at
0x1048c6b00>> for "error" type-> ns->(http://etherx.jabber.org/streams)

DEBUG: dispatcher   warn  *Registering protocol "error" as <class

DEBUG: *socket       sent  **<?xml version='1.0'?>*

*  <stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" to="" version="1.0"
<http://etherx.jabber.org/streams>" >*

DEBUG: *socket       error **Socket error while receiving data*

DEBUG: client       stop  *Disconnect detected*

DEBUG: *socket       error **Socket operation failed*

Out[*4*]: ''
Thanks & Regard's

*Satish Gathole,*Tech Lead @ DriveU
*http://www.driveu.in/ <http://www.driveu.in/>*

Skype#: satish.gathole03,
Mobile#: +91-8867193683, +91-88605-74655
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