Hello Bangpypers!Fancy building cool IVRS, PBX and other telephony tools
integrated with the web? Then this online hackathon is for you.

Register, develop a smart solution and submit it here

The idea is to mix KooKoo API with other APIs like Google location API,
Facebook or Twitter API etc.
Participants get to work with live APIs to build products that have a real
impact. Additionally candidates will have the potential to get privileged
access to KooKoo APIs.
Take a look at some previous *Kookoo Mashups*
Also, the blog contains more ideas.

INR 10,000 each, to first three smart submissions
INR 5,000 each, to next four smart submissions

*About KooKoo:*
It is an interface between your web application and the caller. It takes
phone commands from you and executes them on your behalf to the caller. The
best way to think of KooKoo is as just another web page in your
application. The only difference is, the web page is accessible from the
phone rather than the browser.

The catch in the challenge is that it's not just your submission but also
your swiftness that matters!

Get your creative mode on and win exciting prizes while having fun coding.
The challenge awaits you here

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