If you know your list comprehensions from your itertools, can recite the
Zen of Python from memory and are familiar with four-letter words like
LAMP, LEMP and REST, then we might be your new home ;).
Houzify <http://www.houzify.com/>, India’s first mobile-based home design
platform, is hiring for its product engineering team. We’re building a
platform <http://get.houzify.com/app> where designers, manufacturers,
service providers, retailers and consumers can discover, connect and
collaborate on creating beautiful spaces. All this in the five-and-a-half
inch space which a mobile device offers us. The challenge is immense and
our solutions have to be elegant, scalable and highly usable!You:

   - have hands-on experience building distributed systems via RESTful
   - are comfortable with either Android and/or iOS development
   - get excited by the idea of mining terabytes of images and text data
   - have a passion for design and creating beautiful spaces


   - consume, organise and serve high-volumes of data in a completely
   distributed manner
   - deliver personalised and highly relevant experiences by building smart

*Technical requirements*

   1. Strong proficiency in either Java or Python.
   2. 1-3 years engineering experience in a team role at a product
   organisation. At least a year working with mobile+REST.
   3. Solid fundamentals: bits, bytes, Big-Oh, stacks, queues, trees,
   graphs, pointers.
   4. Experience and comfort with Git for version control.
   5. Inspired by good design and well-written, maintainable code.

*Nice to have*

   1. Profile on github with open-source contributions and a stackoverflow
   2. Experience building community focused consumer applications

*About Houzify*

Houzify <http://www.houzify.com/> is innovating in the space of home
interiors to build a technology platform for organising the entire
industry. Our mission is simple: make it possible for every consumer to
make informed choices when creating their personal space. We are looking
for passionate and talented individuals who want to make an impact on the
world they live in while enjoying a hell of a journey along the way.

Contact: Shailesh Kochhar <http://in.linkedin.com/in/shaileshkochhar>,
co-founder: koch...@houzify.com
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