On 8 September 2015 at 18:57, Mandar Raibagi <rmanda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> You may feel this email out of context, but regarding usage of discount
> coupon provided by @goibibodotcom, @pyconindia and @goibibodotcom are
> playing ping-pong with me.
> The issue is I'm unable to apply my discount coupon while booking flights /
> hotels through GoIbibo.com and I'm following up with them regarding this
> issue for over a week, without solid resolution.
> What's the way to escalate this with Pycon India organizers. I'm a regular
> visitor of PyCon for last 3 years.

Sorry, but please take it up with the organisers directly: I fail to
see why you are following up on this list. Also, as the digest itself
mentions, please do not quote the entire digest when following up to
digest mail.

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