> [...]
> Shouldn't his be marked as [commercial] or [jobs] since this is an
> event for hiring people and Venturesity is possibly getting paid for
> this[1].

Yes, you're absolutely right. It should be clearly marked as commercial.

> Also a lot of people might construe this as SPAM as this is
> only tangentially related to Python.
> Question to Admin : Are there any guidelines for this ? I know it
> might not be possible to enforce this but good citizens will follow
> these nevertheless.
Long back there was a similar thread [1]. We don't have explicitly stated
guidelines, but many times, people
suggest this [2]. It doesn't cover anything about X-POST and job posting.
We can create guidelines in Github Wiki [3].

> -- Vinayak
> 1. http://yourstory.com/2015/05/venturesity-funding/
[1]: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/bangpypers/2011-September/006919.html

[3]: https://github.com/pythonindia/bangalore.python.org.in/wiki
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