Wow, good to be a part of this discussion!

I am a newb in the world of web frameworks.

I tried learning Django a while ago, probably 3 months back from now, but
gave up trying really hard.. It just lost me every now and then with the
mere complexities.

I then gave that up as I got into a new job and moved to Bangalore. Now I
have recently started learning Flask at An Introduction to Flask by Miguel
Don't know how long would I stick to that...

Anyways, open to show up on weekends for any talks on similar discipline.

Deep L Sukhwani
Mob: +91 9687 000 830

On 19 June 2015 at 19:20, Ramdas S <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 7:14 PM, Anand Reddy Pandikunta <
>> wrote:
> > what about flask?
> >
> Nothing against Flask. But it's getting bigger. Let me say I want to
> explore stuff that's not very popular but is cool.
> We did a quick job with Bottle and it was quicker than what we thought it
> would take.  And I personally learnt a lot more than years of Django. No
> magic is sometimes good.
> Let's say we ignore the big two Python web frameworks and dinosaurs of last
> century like Zope and Plone.
> I don't remember who, but I saw someone talking of Pulsar and aiohttp (?).
> Want to meet up with some folks.
> >
> >
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