Just in case anyone is interested, I spent some time late last night/early
morning hours in hacking together some stuff using a some tornado app
called bonzo. I am able to capture mails and route them. Just need to
figure some way to do some authentication.

Tornado is pretty fast, I ran a test of 300 mails in a minute on a core i3
laptop it is very stable.


> > While I have no knowledge of Lamson, I would echo Noufal in
> > recommending something like postfix. Cannot go into details without
> > knowing more about your requirements, and anyway those would not be
> > germane to this list, but postfix's transport system is very flexible
> > in allowing mail redirection. IMHO, one should use the right tool for
> > the job at hand.
> >
> > Regards.
> > Gora

Ramdas S
+91 9342 583 065
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