Hi, Do you want to see your name next time you install GNU/Linux in your friend's computer?
If yes, then go ahead and read ... We are happy to announce "I Know What You Are Going To Do This Summer 2015",[1] a free (as in freedom), online (IRC-based) [2] training sessions for new comers to Free/Libre/Open Source Software at #dgplug on irc.freenode.net [3]. This is the 8th year of this training. If you are a mentor, or trainer, or prospective enthusiast who would like to participate in this years' sessions please go through last years' IRC logs: http://www.dgplug.org/irclogs/ We will have a review or Q&A session on last years' sessions before we proceed into new topics, this year. The session timings are mostly varying, usually after 1800 IST every day. To participate you need a good internet connection and any latest linux installed (Fedora 21/22 preferably ). Anyone can participate. What we teach? =============== Through this training we build contributors. Upon completing this training you will be able to successfully contribute to upstream projects, you will know the tools used by different upstream projects and yes, we will teach you how to solve real life problem using Python programming language. Guest sessions ============= Through out the training we organize special sessions from well known upstream contributors. They share their own stories, and take in-depth sessions on various subjects. To know more ============= [4] is an interview on opensource.com came out last year about this training. [5] is the talk we had in PyCon 2014 on the same topic. How to participate? ==================== If you are interested in participating, please confirm your participation by filling up this [6] form. Home page: http://dgplug.org/ Planet: http://planet.dgplug.org/ Wiki: http://dgplug.org/start.html Mailing list group (for queries, discussions) : http://lists.dgplug.org/listinfo.cgi/users-dgplug.org [1] http://dgplug.org/summertraining15.html [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat [3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRCHowTo [4] http://opensource.com/life/14/6/enroll-now-free-online-open-source-programming-classes [5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5YV5KzIbOc [6] http://goo.gl/forms/aCjNPr7qWF Kushal Das -- Fedora Cloud Engineer CPython Core Developer Director Python Software Foundation http://kushaldas.in _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list BangPypers@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers