On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Nitin Kumar <nitin.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> say I am installing a module "abc" and it got multiple dependent modules
> say xyz pqr.
> pip easy install will take care of downloading and installing these.
> but i need to install "abc" on a device which doesnt have net connection.

how do you currently install 'abc' onto the device?

> So do i need to copy tar.gz for each abc, pqr, xyz and install all
> individually or is there a way i can create one installer say final.tar.gz
> out of abc, xyz, pqr (on off box) and copy final.tar.gz to device and
> install using it.
> If I am thinking in totally worng direction, do let me know what all option
> i have.
> is there any already existing sdk for the same??
> Nitin K
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