On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:54 AM, Noufal Ibrahim KV <nou...@nibrahim.net.in>

> On Mon, Dec 22 2014, Bibhas Ch Debnath wrote:
> > Is there anyone or any company here that actually values a certificate
> > for Python? In my experience, certification courses mean nothing, at
> > least for Python developers. None of the people I know or have worked
> > with, cares about a certificate.
> > I'd love to pmeet someone who thinks otherwise.
> [...]
> Some companies sell products that require a lot of expertise for the end
> user (e.g. Cisco). Configuring their equipment/software can be a full
> time task in itself. If the company themselves do this for their end
> clients, they'll get a services component bolted onto their product and
> that will affect their long term plans.
> However, if they can create some kind of qualification in the market and
> provide material for that, people unassociated with the company will try
> to get it and will become employable. In that sense, certifications do
> have value. Given two people of roughly equal experience, if I were
> hiring someone to watch over a network of Cisco gear, I'd pick the one
> who has a Cisco certification.

Weeeeellll... I wouldn't put quite as much stock in the CCNA given the
people we interviewed at TW for a sysad position.

> Language certifications don't really fall into this but I suppose when
> the ecosystem is large enough (e.g. Java), you can cut off a piece and
> certify people in that department.

I have my own views about language/framework certifications
but IMHO, Sun did the best job of the lot. Their tests really tested your
understanding of the nuances of the language/framework.

> It will have marketing value for a
> class of clients. Python doesn't (yet) come under this category so I
> don't think there are any certifications in India. I don't know many
> people who use Python that would consider a "certificate" as something
> valuable. The only certificate course for Python that I know of is the
> O'Reilly one. [1].
> Footnotes:
> [1]  http://www.oreillyschool.com/certificate-programs/python-programming/

Third party certifications bear only as much weight as the... well, third
party! Granted O'Reilly has a lot of clout in the publishing and tech event
space, but I'm not too enthusiastic about them certifying peoples' python
skills; more to the point, who's building the curriculum/tests? The
certificates would have to be handed out by the PSF or any of the other
bodies core to the python development effort for them to carry enough
weight. Just saying.

- d
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