Solve some algorithm problems and then post it on :

You will get lot of tips.
Shankha Banerjee

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Amish Anand <> wrote:
> Probably you can go through a few of the open source projects on github and
> understand the code flow. You can also contribute to those projects by
> raising issues and suggesting the fix.
> Also, there is no harm in solving a problem that is already solved as it
> will open up your thought process and by looking at the existing solutions,
> you will be able to map your thought process into the actual Pythonic
> implementation.
> Hope that helps.
> Amish
> Regards,
> Amish Anand
> Senior Software Engineer,
> Juniper Networks.
> Bangalore.
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Saurabh Saha <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Guys
>> I am a python newbie. I am learning python on my own using whatever
>> literature I could find over the web and using courses like coursera and
>> udacity.
>> The issue is even after writing a lot of programs on my own and taking
>> these different courses I still feel I have a long way to go before I write
>> a web app on my own.
>> There is too much to read and no one to guide as to how one must proceed
>> in order to be become proficient enough to code a product on your own.
>> I also took a audacity class taken by the Reddit founder where he teaches
>> you how to build a blog from scratch but he just rushes through it and
>> there are certain things he doesn’t explain.
>> The issue is I have a visual idea about what I plan to build in terms of
>> the algorithm the product would use.
>> But I don’t know how to go about writing the front end with python and how
>> to use the different frameworks that are heavily endorsed by people on
>> quora.
>> There is so much to read on python and there is no one who could help me
>> or guide me on how I could develop a simple product as simple as my own
>> blog.
>> If you could suggest a literature I’d definitely read it and try building
>> small programs.
>> As of now I am going through the MIT OCW lectures and reading this book
>> called ‘Think Like a Computer Scientist’ along with ‘Learn Python The Hard
>> Way’ so some of the things are becoming clear but as Peter Norvig says you
>> need to have spent at least 10K hours to master programming I too would
>> need to go through the grind.
>> And I’d be happy to do that provided I get a starting point. I am not
>> getting the starting point from where I could go ahead and proceed writing
>> code. I love this language as its easy to write and has powerful
>> implementations.
>> And so in the end I decided to get in touch with Guido Van Rossum who
>> advised me to join a community that could help me learn the language and
>> make me aware of intricacies of the language.
>> This is how I ended u joining this community as I stay in Bangalore and
>> would love to connect with people who are proficient programmers.
>> I apologize for writing such an intense and long mail but I wanted to
>> articulate the problem in detail so that I could have your valuable
>> suggestions on how to go about it.
>> Thanks a lot for your time.
>> Regards
>> Saurabh Saha
>> Mobile-9538844215
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