
NEW DELHI: Recently, one of India's top software companies was faced with 
quandary. It had won a $200 million (Rs 1,200 crore) contract to develop an app 
store for a large US bank, but did not have adequate numbers of programmers who 
could write code in Python, the language most suited for the job. Eventually, 
it paid thrice the billing rate to a group of freelance Python programmers in 
the US. And learned a valuable lesson about the importance of a language named 
after the British television comedy series Monty Python.

For a nation regarded as a software programming powerhouse, the episode has 
salutary lessons. While skills in traditional computer languages meant for 
stitching software applications and maintaining large mainframe computers are a 
strength, ignoring Python could prove to be a costly mistake.

"Because companies like 
 and TCS prefer proprietary languages like Java or dot NET most students think 
of these as an option in college. That is the reason you don't get good quality 
talent in the industry to work with us in Python," said Jofin Joseph, cofounder 
and chief operating officer of Profoundis, a Kochi-based technology startup 
which has been struggling for about a year to hire young Python programmers.
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