
Thanks for leaping to my defense, but no offense was taken. I didn't think
he twisted any words or lent to me any sarcasm. He gave me exactly what I
wanted. :-)
In fact, I consider Noufal (and his brother Haris) a pretty good friend.

Again, thank you for making my feelings a priority.


Daniel Greenfeld

On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 9:25 PM, Pratham Gadre <>wrote:

> On 5/17/14, Noufal Ibrahim KV <> wrote:
> > On Sat, May 17 2014, Daniel Greenfeld wrote:
> >
> >> I've looked all over the site and can't figure out how to submit a
> >> request
> >> for sponsoring the conference. I would love a contact point! :-)
> >
> > The link is in the leftmost "square" in the middle of the site (Call for
> > sponsors). It looks quite obvious to me but if you didn't see it at a
> > first glance, I'm guessing that it's not positioned properly. Any
> > suggestions would be welcome.
> I am appalled to see the amount of arrogance group members have.
> I would like to suggest you people to tone down your bloody arrogance
> to begin with. Just because you run a successful group and/or
> conference, does not give you any freaking right to be arrogant.
> Why can't you just answer a question without any sarcasm or twisting words?
> Thanks.

'Knowledge is Power'
Daniel Greenfeld
Principal at Cartwheel Web; co-author of Two Scoops of Django |
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