FYI: Regards, Venkat @venkasub <>
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Lynn Root <> Date: Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 12:31 AM Subject: [Baypiggies] PyLadies: Get paid to contribute to Python this Summer To: Hey folks - The PSF is sponsoring CPython internships for women this summer through the GNOME Outreach Program for Women. Folks selected will receive $5500 USD stipend for contributing to the CPython interpreter & standard lib. More info 1 <>. No need to be a super Pythonista or know C, there are a lot of opportunities to contribute for every level of experience. I am one of the mentors for the project - and there will be a workshop via IRC this Sunday for those interested in learning about the process so they can apply to the program. More info 2<> . Please pass around to anyone who you feel would be interested! LR _______________________________________________ Baypiggies mailing list To change your subscription options or unsubscribe: _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list