
Why do you want to write a parser for the Gherkin format ? If we can know
the underlying need, then may be We can suggest you more effectively.


On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 2:26 PM, Shashidhar Paragonda <
shashidha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Python hackers
> >>> I wanted to write parser for below GHERKIN format, can anyone suggest
> best pythonic approach to parse and extract the details from below eg:
> >>>  My need is to discard the common english words and extract rest of the
> text and write entries to XML ( i thought of using XML, please suggest any
> other format storage ).
> Feature: Password management  Scenario: Forgot password    Given a
> user with email "cu...@cukes.info" exists    When I ask for a password
> reset    Then an email with a password reset link should be sent
> >>> NOTE: Feature, Scenario, Given, When , Then are like keywords in above
> text
> -----------------------------------
> Regards,
> Shashidhar N.Paragonda
> shashidha...@gmail.com
> +919900093835
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