Hi All

 I am managing Bangpypers meetup for more than a year with other volunteers
help. When we restarted monthly meetup our aim is to have meetup every
month under any cost. We are able to do that successfully with average
turnout from 10 to 80 people every month.

Last month we started workshops as part of meetup. There is good traction
for the workshop. This month meetup which is on tomorrow (18-01-2014
http://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/125797552/). We are having
Introduction to django. There is a need to beginner, advanced level content
in meetup.

I am looking forward to improve bangpypers meetup content quality. I mean
good speakers and interested topic to discuss. One of my favourite meetup
is HackandTell (http://www.meetup.com/hack-and-tell/). 90 - 100 turn out (
https://twitter.com/j2labs/statuses/424167741839638528)  for every  meetup
and show what you have done in hardware, software etc ... No how/why to use
library X.

I am opening this thread to basically discuss how to improve the quality of
talks. I seriously believe lot of people who use python for variety of
task, also bring out experienced people to speak at meetup.

Few people suggested following ideas.

1. Invite only speakers for meetup and flash talks by community. Have 2
good talk per meetup.
2. Meetup should have theme like Web, Deployment.

Please feel free to add suggestions.


*Thanks & Regardskracekumar"Talk is cheap, show me the code" -- Linus
Torvaldshttp://kracekumar.com <http://kracekumar.com>*
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