
Actually in the earlier part when we write to xml we got <c9> which was
correct when we look into the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) international
character set and hexadecimal.
But here we got the hexa <c4> instead. Again for another character which
can not be decoded using utf-8 it is giving the same value Ä which is
interesting :)

I ran some test but I always got correct answer no matter how many times
I encode/decode but we may be trying different things.

Also consider Vijay's response of chardet library.

Apart from encoding what we have to take care in python coding to
support internationalization, any document can be suggested for that.

Internationalization is much more than encoding but python doc for i18n
will get you started. Take a look at : http://docs.python.org/2/library/i18n.html


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