On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Aditya Laghate <adi...@thinrhino.net.in> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 03, 2013 at 01:18:24PM +0530, Dhananjay Nene wrote:
>> >
>> Its in the downloaded tar.gz. You'll find the jar in lib/src
>> Besides the community edition clearly mentions "Free, open-source,
>> Apache 2 license"
> I had downloaded the OS X version of PyCharm. Looked into the lib/src
> folder and found three files (OS X version), viz:
> - pycharm-openapi-src.zip
> - pycharm-pydev-src.zip
> - trove4j_src.jar
> None of them have the entire source code the PyCharm IDE.
> I don't know what is available in the linux package.
> btw, pycharm.jar is about 74 mb, as against the total of the above three
> files in the src folder is 897 kb.
> Did a google search for 'source code pycharm', found a link to a blog
> post[1]. One of the comments was asking for the link of the source code,
> which was answered by "The source code of PyCharm CE will be available
> in the intellij-community repo on GitHub under Apache 2 license in a few
> days."
> So, I guess that solves my question on the source code.

Topical update :
> Links:
> 1:
> http://blog.jetbrains.com/pycharm/2013/09/jetbrains-delights-the-python-community-with-a-free-edition-of-its-famous-ide-pycharm-3-0/
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