On Tuesday 08 October 2013 06:43 PM, Kartik Singhal wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 5:44 PM, ragsagar <ragsa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Don't follow djangobook.com. It is outdated!
> It is, as it says on the homepage, but is still full of useful concepts
> that are very hard to gather from the docs directly. Just need to be ready
> to face variations in the features/syntax that you will keep encountering
> while reading this. Also, comments on most of the paragraphs of the book
> can come useful when you get stuck.

Django Book 2.0 is in the process of being updated to contain content on
the latest versions of Django and it is a work in progress. Jacob
Kaplan-Moss has a GitHub repository of the site code and book chapters
at https://github.com/jacobian/djangobook.com. A lot of people are
updating the chapters and sending pull requests. I have contributed to
that initiative as well. It would be great if a lot more people could
contribute and make the book content up-to-date.

Thanks & Regards,

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