On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 4:37 PM, uday sankar <sankar.u...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a engine built in python. I implemented a webserver in python it
> will listen to the request sent and will responsed back with the necessary
> result. Now the problem is that I am able to run this engine in one node,
> if this node goes down engine will go down and we will not be able to run
> the application. Is there any way if one node goes down other node will
> process the request. How we can implement clustering and load balancing in
> python?. Please guide me how we can do this.

The most important question you need to answer is is your engine
stateful ? Does it store any information in global, module,
application level variables that a failover node will need in order to
successfully process a request. Note: storing valid session ids or
other information against a session or any such information within a
process memory or in a storage subsystem (eg. local file system) that
is not accessible to other engine classifies as stateful.

Clustering stateless services is easy. Stateful ones isn't. The
starting point would be to classify your system, and if feasible make
it stateless.
> Regards
>  Uday
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