On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@nibrahim.net.in>wrote:

> > a) your app will look the same across all your platforms (at least the
> > best it can be) as the front end is html/css/js
> I think you'll get the common denominator.

Isn't that the case with any cross-platform toolkit - if the intent is to
be cross platform?

> > c) your are building reusable code and skills that you can carry
> > across even programming languages. If you use mustache templates, for
> > e.g., you can even reuse the templates wholesale in other projects
> > written in ruby,
> Yes but writing desktop apps is different from writing web apps. You can
> do things with the former that are still not possible with the
> latter.

Can you give some specific examples of what is possible in a Python app
using a cross platform GUI toolkit and NOT possible with a webapp
architecture when the web server and the browser are running on the same
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