@ Anand, please talk in numbers and not in words. How many women members
were present, etc?

@Venkat, I have been nice, cordial, and don't need a better choice of
words. I dont want argue on this anymore. I would like to continue the
original thread.

@Noufal, I am on phone with Times of India office. Yes, I want actual women
participating and not just feel good about it. Yes, it is very annoying
when the reports are diluted/distorted.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 1:14 PM, Anand Chitipothu <anandol...@gmail.com>wrote:

> > I thank Anand Chitipothu for making Pycon India 2013 women inclusive.
> Since
> > he has already made a comment that there was enough participation from
> > women, there are a few facts that I want get them straight.
> >
> Not sure what you mean by "women inclusive" here. PyCon India was never
> women exclusive, we always had women participants and speakers.
> Anand
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