On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@nibrahim.net.in>wrote:

> Anand Chitipothu <anandol...@gmail.com> writes:
> [...]
> > Lets say you a python file x.py.
> > You can import it just using "import x".
> >
> > If you have y/x.py, you would import it using "import y.x" or "from y
> > import x". Here x is a submodule of y and y is also a module. But where
> is
> > the file for module y now? Since y is a folder, Python expects
> > y/__init__.py for module y. That is a convention that Python uses.
> >
> > So to use a folder as a module you need add __init__.py to it. Got it?
> [...]
> Also, directories as modules are often called packages.
> http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/modules.html#packages

Not to be confused with python packages as packaged and distributed from a
package index like https://pypi.python.org

- d
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