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From: Annapoornima Koppad <a.kop...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 4:04 PM
Subject: [BangPypers] Pyladies Bangalore
To: bangpypers@python.org

Dear All,

I recently started the Pyladies Bangalore chapter. I wanted to know how
many lady python programmers are on Bangalore python users group. I will be
really interested in the numbers in terms of,

1. How many lady python programmers are on Bangalore python users group?
2. How many are active in attending the Bangalore meetups?
3. How much is the participation of these women for any of Bangalore Python
outreach activities.
4. Of the active members, how many have been active in producing good
quality talks, workshops, etc.

I did a little bit of research before deciding to email the group here.
There are 570 members on the Bangalore Python user groups. Of which 20 are
ladies. Of the 20 number, 3 are recruiters. This number is really
disconcerting to me. Am I missing out some people here? This is leading me
to ask these questions.

1. How many women really attend workshops/meetups?
2. Are there any efforts to understand the problems associated with the
poor attendance of women?
3. Aren't there any women who want to learn Python but are too afraid to
ask questions. What is being done to address these problems?

That said, I am attaching the links to Pyladies Bangalore.

While I want to keep this community pro-woman, I am not restricting it to
women alone. I would really appreciate if there are men willing to come
forward to help, and build this community. Apart from a few concerns (which
I am sure everyone would understand), this community is open to men as
well. Even if you are not a programmer, have never coded a single line,
this community still welcomes you to be a part of it and will try to help
you learn.  If you are an ace programmer, I would be really glad host a
couple of talks wherein you could inspire other people to take up coding.
Perhaps you could talk about your office work, thesis work, etc.

Here are the links to Pyladies Bangalore chapter.





Please feel free to circulate this email to friends in your circle. Any
kind of participation is welcome.

Thanks and regards,

Annapoornima Koppad
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