On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Gora Mohanty <g...@mimirtech.com> wrote:

> On 22 May 2013 19:29, vijay <vnbang2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Konark,mukesh,Gora,sayan and Rahul thanks for volunteering to help us.
> > As Anand C said can you guys send a pull request to
> https://github.com/pythonindia/pyconindia2013
> >
> > We basically to work in showing this information
> >
> > 1)  Home section- Like venue , about us.
> > 2)  CFP section- Explain term and condition and display link to submit
> > 3)  Sponsor's section with 4 slot 1) platinum 2) gold 3) silver 4)
> partners
> >
> > 4)  Twitter plugin
> > 5)  Keynote speaker section
> > 6)  Registration section
> > 7)  Blog/New section
> > 8)  FAQ section
> > 9)  Schedule - once Talk selection is done
> > 10) Volunteer section to recognize volunteer for their support( my plan
> is to include this to motivate volunteer)
> >
> > Do let me know if any section is missed.
> >
> >
> > CFP is been worked by Anand C and Ramki, so we can pick other section
> and work on the same.
> >
> >
> > @Anand C please do provide us instruction on how to set up locally and
> guide us on how to contribute faster.
> [...]
> I presume that one just forks the repo, informs people what one
> is working on, and sends Anand  a pull request once the work is
> done.
> I have a fundamental question. Since the above requirements
> have workflows like registration, and since the content will be
> expanding significantly, is there any interest in moving to a
> framework plus CMS? If so, my vote would be for Django +
> feincms.

I'm going to set up eventframe, the CMS system that we used last year.
Until I setup, we'll have to live with the static page. Currently I'm
working on setting up funnel for talk submission.

> Also, are there timelines for the various tasks, or even a broad
> deadline?

I think we should push out CFP and open registrations by end of this month.

> Finally, I presume that this discussion needs to move
> offline, or to a different mailing list.

Yes, inpycon is better place to discuss this.

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