On May 09, 2013 @ 01:51 pm, bangpypers-bounces+prashant=triconinfotech....@python.org wrote:
On 8 May 2013 23:00, Jagadeesh N. Malakannavar <mnjagade...@gmail.com> wrote: > I prefer to do it like this > >>>> a = list(str(3245325)) >>>> sum(map(int, a)) > 24 What does the map() gain you over basic list comprehension: sum( [int(i) for i in '3245325'] ) ignoring any try/catch for int conversion errors IMHO, this is easier to understand, more Pythonic, and likely faster. Regards, Gora _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list BangPypers@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers ________________________________ This is an automated response. Your issue has been noted. We'll be in touch soon. Please reply to this email or visit the URL below with any additional details. http://DB01:9675/portal/view-help-request/49 _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list BangPypers@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers