On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Kaushik Kalyanaraman
<dialkforkaus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 10 replies to Godwin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law. Good
> job folks ! [/s]
> But, seriously, and even though even this reply is completely OT to
> the interests of this list, please try to provide your own reasons in
> your own words without sensationalizing with quotes, etc. At least
> then, some may be sympathetic (not claiming I am or I am not) to your
> cause. Otherwise, it equally well reeks of FUD on your part.
> Finally, people who are "religious" about FOSS (or other open source
> movements) should stop for a tiny bit to figure out if their militant

"militant"?  .... Ah, is the name-calling supposed to shame people into silence?


> tl;dr: Please follow ground rules and do not post these OT
> discussions. Also, please don't provide your defense or get all
> apologetic about why this needs to be posted here, especially after

The second sentence/para of your email contradicts the above, where
you claim your reply is OT, against the interest of this list, and yet
exhorted list members thus: "please try to provide your own reasons in
your own words without sensationalizing with quotes, etc."</quote>.

Best,  Vid  ॥ http://svaksha.com ॥
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