
 Thank you for educating the list. Though this is not exactly
relevant to our subject matter actually.



On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 4:28 AM, <newtonha...@hushmail.com> wrote:

> We are researchers from different parts of the world and conducted a study
> on
> the world’s biggest bogus computer science conference WORLDCOMP
> ( http://sites.google.com/site/worlddump1 ) organized by Prof. Hamid
> Arabnia
> from University of Georgia, USA.
> We submitted a fake paper to WORLDCOMP 2011 and again (the
> same paper with a modified title) to WORLDCOMP 2012. This paper
> had numerous fundamental mistakes. Sample statements from
> that paper include:
> (1). Binary logic is fuzzy logic and vice versa
> (2). Pascal developed fuzzy logic
> (3). Object oriented languages do not exhibit any polymorphism or
> inheritance
> (4). TCP and IP are synonyms and are part of OSI model
> (5). Distributed systems deal with only one computer
> (6). Laptop is an example for a super computer
> (7). Operating system is an example for computer hardware
> Also, our paper did not express any conceptual meaning.  However, it
> was accepted both the times without any modifications (and without
> any reviews) and we were invited to submit the final paper and a
> payment of $500+ fee to present the paper. We decided to use the
> fee for better purposes than making Prof. Hamid Arabnia (Chairman
> of WORLDCOMP) rich. After that, we received few reminders from
> WORLDCOMP to pay the fee but we never responded.
> We MUST say that you should look at the above website if you have any
> thoughts
> to submit a paper to WORLDCOMP.  DBLP and other indexing agencies
> have stopped indexing WORLDCOMP’s proceedings since 2011 due to its
> fakeness.
> See http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/icai/index.html for
> of one of the
> conferences of WORLDCOMP and notice that there is no listing after 2010.
> See
> http://sites.google.com/site/dumpconf for comments from well-known
> researchers
> about WORLDCOMP.
> The status of your WORLDCOMP papers can be changed from “scientific”
> to “other” (i.e., junk or non-technical) at any time. See the comments
> http://www.mail-archive.com/tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu/msg05168.html
> of a respected researcher on this. Better not to have a paper than
> having it in WORLDCOMP and spoil the resume and peace of mind forever!
> Our study revealed that WORLDCOMP is a money making business,
> using University of Georgia mask, for Prof. Hamid Arabnia. He is throwing
> out a small chunk of that money (around 20 dollars per paper published
> in WORLDCOMP’s proceedings) to his puppet (Mr. Ashu Solo or A.M.G. Solo)
> who publicizes WORLDCOMP and also defends it at various forums, using
> fake/anonymous names. The puppet uses fake names and defames other
> conferences
> to divert traffic to WORLDCOMP. That is, the puppet does all his best
> to get a maximum number of papers published at WORLDCOMP to get more
> money into his (and Prof. Hamid Arabnia’s) pockets.
> Monte Carlo Resort (the venue of WORLDCOMP until 2012) has refused to
> provide the venue for WORLDCOMP’13 because of the fears of their image
> being tarnished due to WORLDCOMP’s fraudulent activities. WORLDCOMP’13
> will be held at a different resort.
> WORLDCOMP will not be held after 2013.
> The paper submission deadline for WORLDCOMP’13 was March 18 and it is
> extended to April 6 (it will be extended many times, as usual) but
> still there are no committee members, no reviewers, and there is no
> conference Chairman. The only contact details available on WORLDCOMP’s
> website is just an email address!
> What bothers us the most is that Prof. Hamid Arabnia never posted an
> apology for the damage he has done to the research community.  He is still
> trying to defend WORLDCOMP. Let us make a direct request to him: publish
> all reviews for all the papers (after blocking identifiable details) since
> 2000 conference. Reveal the names and affiliations of all the reviewers
> (for each year) and how many papers each reviewer had reviewed on average.
> We also request him to look at the Open Challenge at
> http://sites.google.com/site/dumpconf
> Sorry for posting to multiple lists. Spreading the word is the only way to
> stop
> this bogus conference. Please forward this message to other mailing lists
> and people.
> We are shocked with Prof. Hamid Arabnia and his puppet’s activities
> http://worldcomp-fake-bogus.blogspot.com   Search Google using the
> keyword worldcomp fake for additional links.
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