On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 8:20 PM, Venkatraman S <venka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Anand Chitipothu <anandol...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I have written an interactive learning book for Python at
>> http://pythonmonk.com/learning/books/17.
>> I would love it if you could go through the lessons and give feedback. This
>> is an alpha version with limited content. We are releasing this to an
>> audience we already know before we release to a larger audience.
>> PythonMonk was built by the folks at C42 Engineering (http://c42.in) and
>> uses the same platform as rubymonk.com.
> 1. Too much screen real-estate seems to be wasted and i find the UI, though
> sparse,
> sometimes slightly confusing. Am sure its either that I am tired, or am
> just not used to
> using such sites.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll pass it on to PythonMonk team.

> 2. Content - "the value", IMHO, would be if you can do a SICP-esque course
> via this
> platform, so that monetization is a possibility.

I've always dreamt of writing a book like SICP using Python. In fact
that is my benchmark when I do python trainings and write tutorials.
I've always felt that the audience of my trainings are not looking for
SICP. They'll run away if I start with newton's method in the first

Having said that, SICP influenced me greatly and you'll see those
patterns in my writings. Here is an example:


> 3. Am sure someone at HN will ultimately comment that PythonMonk was
> written
> in Ruby ;)

IMHO, programming languages are just tools. I'm not religious about
using Python for everything.

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