Kenneth Gonsalvas (KG / lawgon) passed away on 3rd Aug 2012. He was leading
light, mentor, evangelist and practitioner of Free and Open Source
Software. He was a geek up to his last moments. His demise is a great loss
to FOSS Community in India. May his soul rest in peace.

A short bio of Kenneth Gonsalvas (Prepared by KG only)

"Although he has no formal training in the IT field, Kenneth Gonsalves has
been programming since 1986, starting with Turbo Pascal, then moving to
Perl and finally to Python in 2003. Since then he has focused on Python in
general and the Django web frame work in particular. He is an open source
enthusiast and has spoken and written on open source right from 1995 when
he was first introduced to it. He has conducted over 50 seminars and
workshops in python and Django. He was the founder president of the Indian
Python Software Society and a member of the team that has organised the
highly successful Indian python conferences from 2009 to 2011. He is now
based in Ooty where he writes and consults on open source. He also conducts
a job oriented course in python and django. His other main interest is golf
and he holds an international certification as a golf referee and has
refereed several national level golf tournaments. He writes a regular
column called 'Foss is fun' for the LFY monthly. Most of his code
contributions are here:";

He was a good mentor and friend to many of us.

Some of his contributions, writing and rambling can be found


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