
Thanks for trying! Probably the documentation is not perfect and a bit outdated so your comments are most welcome. I had few friends who successfully installed it, so it should not be too difficult.

By default it is configured to use Tokyo Cabinet DB.
You'll have to install Tokyo Cabinet from source ( )

Also, there's a small overview of the ideas here:

I think we'd better also switch off from the mailing list for really specific stuff, contact me at .

I am having couple of issues in installing hanji.
 >> ./ get_dojo_custom gives me invalid option error
 >> Running tokyo cabinet. I was able to build and install tokyo
cabinet but with pip install tokyo-python I get following error
"tokyo-python requires Tokyo Cabinet >= 1.4.45 to be installed"

On 02/08/2012 15:30, wrote:
Send BangPypers mailing list submissions to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of BangPypers digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Call for Python programmers interested in building    social
      applications (Philippe May)
   2. Re: Call for Python programmers interested in building social
      applications (Yoganand Anandaraju)
   3. Re: Call for Python programmers interested in     building        social
      applications (Yoganand Anandaraju) (Yoganand Anandaraju)
   4. Re: Call for Python programmers interested in     building        social
      applications (Yoganand Anandaraju)
   5. Re: Call for Python programmers interested        in      building        
      applications (Yoganand Anandaraju)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 10:56:43 +0530
From: Philippe May <>
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Call for Python programmers interested in
        building        social applications
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=us-ascii

I have a project which might largely overlap with this.

The stack is:
- twisted (web, web sockets, other protocols in a consistent framework)
- doqu (an abstraction layer to nosql database backends, can be the
standard shelve module, Redis, Tokyo Cabinet, etc)
- jinja2
- wtforms
- dojo (javascripts)

Communications between nodes is done with 2 modules: a server
(portal) and a client (satellite).

Currently, small demo applications include:
- file sharing (download + uploads)
- image slideshows
- music streaming
- localisation / geotagging / mapping (eg: a gsm signal quality
monitoring function for smartphones or wifi for laptops)

More information about the goals are here: , the repo is online: .

I'd be happy if someone wants to join, or i'm open to merging the projects.



Message: 2
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 07:40:47 +0200
From: "Yoganand Anandaraju" <>
To: "Bangalore Python Users Group - India" <>
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Call for Python programmers interested in
        building social applications
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I can fork out of Diaspora and implement features but mainly for two reasons

 With the technologies now available in python it would be much
easier than me learning ROR and implementing.
 One of the goals of the project is to have something similar to
Diaspora for the python developers.

----- Original Message -----
From: Deepak Garg
Sent: 08/02/12 10:41 AM
To: Bangalore Python Users Group - India
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Call for Python programmers interested in
building social applications

 Its not about competing with Diaspora, there's nothing wrong with
that, we always need better or different flavors. My question is why
not fork out of Diaspora and implement your features ? Why do you want
to start the project from scratch ? Deepak On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at
10:01 AM, Yoganand Anandaraju <>wrote: > I am pretty
clear about why I would want to use python. Lets be clear that > this
application will be complementary to Diaspora and not a competitior. A
> diaspora clone will extend the distributed social network idea and
help > Diaspora not the other way. If anyone thinks this could compete
with > Diaspora we need understand the idea and motivation behind
distributed > socail network. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From:
Gora Mohanty > Sent: 08/01/12 11:51 PM > To: Bangalore Python Users
Group - India > Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Call for Python programmers
interested in > building social applications > > On 1 August 2012
23:27, Anand Chitipothu <anandolog> wrote: > > On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 10:08 PM, Gora
Mohanty <> wrote: > >> On 1 August 2012 20:18,
Deepak Garg <> wrote: > >>> Diaspora is AGPL
(version 3), some parts dual-licensed under MIT > License >>> >> >> Erm, > you are
the second person to suggest that, but Diaspora >> is RoR. A better >
bet might be Pinax ( ) >> if one wants to
stick > to Python. > > -1 > > I don't think we should be so religious
about using > Python. After all > programming languages are tools to
get job done. Er, I > am not. But, there could well be a good reason
for someone to want to do > that in Python. Since they are asking on a
Python group, a reasonable > assumption is that they have done their
homework and want a Python > solution. > Remember that Diaspora was
developed by a bunch of very smart > chaps > over couple of years and
it was able to raise > $200K of funds on > ki
 ckstarter. It would take equal amount of efforts > (or even more)
and > resources to start building something from scratch > again. > >
Rejecting an already available opensource project, even before > >
considering its merits, just because it is not written in your >
favorite > programming language is not a good idea. Have not looked at
Diaspora, and > it could well be quite good. RoR is also perfectly
fine for a RAD > framework. I am not sure how it came across that I
was rejecting Diaspora > out of hand? Regards, Gora
_______________________________________________ > BangPypers mailing
list > > > > > Regards, >
Yoganand > _______________________________________________ >
BangPypers mailing list > > > -- Deepak Garg,
Data Center and Cloud Div. Citrix R&D, India Github: LinkedIn:
 akgargiit Slideshare: Skype-id:
deepakgarg.iit _______________________________________________
BangPypers mailing list



Message: 3
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 06:17:20 +0200
From: "Yoganand Anandaraju" <>
To: "Bangalore Python Users Group - India" <>
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Call for Python programmers interested in
        building        social applications (Yoganand Anandaraju)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Thanks Aditya, I will look at these.. hoping these are all open
source. It will help me think through the architecture once again.
 I myself am a hobbyist programmer and this community will turn me to
real-programmer one day. Once we wet our hands on the code the repo
will be there for everyone to fork.

----- Original Message -----
From: Aditya Athalye
Sent: 08/01/12 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Call for Python programmers interested in
building social applications (Yoganand Anandaraju)

 I'm new here (hello all) and to Python (hello all, again!) so please
pardon any n00b errors. @Yoganand, You wrote: > Thats right. Diaspora
clone you could call. Do we have something like that already written
in python? There are at least 3 "distributed" SNs using Python,
according to this list Newebe (Python
/ Coffeescript, AGPL) * one user = one node ; microblogging, picture
sharing, activity stream * Server / web client ---- Salut ? Toi
(Python, C++) * multi-frontends, microblogging, group microblogging,
file sharing, games, XMPP client * XMPP client (multi-frontends), web
server, SMTP/IMAP server ---- Sparkleshare (Python (Nautilus plugin),
C# (rest)) * Collaboration and sharing tool inspired by Dropbox These
(and potentially other in-Python implementations) in the list may not
necessarily use P2P protocols, but you did say 'P2P or something
similar'. Also, if you've not already seen GNU's P2P networking
framework, perhaps i
 t will help think through architecture: Please
let me know if really-wet-behind-the-ears, not-yet-real-programmers
like me can also join in when you publish the repo. Best, Aditya _______________________________________________
BangPypers mailing list



Message: 4
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 08:22:35 +0200
From: "Yoganand Anandaraju" <>
To: "Bangalore Python Users Group - India" <>
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Call for Python programmers interested in
        building        social applications
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

This is nice Philippe. Hanji does much more than I was thinking in
distributed social application. Can you let us know how we could take
this forward? What are you project goals and what plans you have in
mind for Hanji. Meanwhile i will checkout the code and go over the

----- Original Message -----
From: Philippe May
Sent: 08/02/12 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Call for Python programmers interested in
building social applications

 I have a project which might largely overlap with this. The stack
is: - twisted (web, web sockets, other protocols in a consistent
framework) - doqu (an abstraction layer to nosql database backends,
can be the standard shelve module, Redis, Tokyo Cabinet, etc) - jinja2
- wtforms - dojo (javascripts) Communications between nodes is done
with 2 modules: a server (portal) and a client (satellite). Currently, small demo applications include: - file sharing (download + uploads) -
image slideshows - music streaming - localisation / geotagging /
mapping (eg: a gsm signal quality monitoring function for smartphones
or wifi for laptops) More information about the goals are here: , the repo is online: . I'd be happy if someone wants to join, or i'm
open to merging the projects. Philippe
_______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing



Message: 5
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 09:29:21 +0200
From: "Yoganand Anandaraju" <>
To: "Bangalore Python Users Group - India" <>
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Call for Python programmers interested        in
        building        social applications
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I am having couple of issues in installing hanji.
 >> ./ get_dojo_custom gives me invalid option error
 >> Running tokyo cabinet. I was able to build and install tokyo
cabinet but with pip install tokyo-python I get following error
"tokyo-python requires Tokyo Cabinet >= 1.4.45 to be installed"

----- Original Message -----
From: Yoganand Anandaraju
Sent: 08/02/12 11:52 AM
To: Bangalore Python Users Group - India
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Call for Python programmers interested in
building social applications

 This is nice Philippe. Hanji does much more than I was thinking in
distributed social application. Can you let us know how we could take
this forward? What are you project goals and what plans you have in
mind for Hanji. Meanwhile i will checkout the code and go over the
documentation. ----- Original Message ----- From: Philippe May Sent:
08/02/12 10:56 AM To: Subject: Re: [BangPypers]
Call for Python programmers interested in building social applications
I have a project which might largely overlap with this. The stack is:
- twisted (web, web sockets, other protocols in a consistent
framework) - doqu (an abstraction layer to nosql database backends,
can be the standard shelve module, Redis, Tokyo Cabinet, etc) - jinja2
- wtforms - dojo (javascripts) Communications between nodes is done
with 2 modules: a server (portal) and a client (satellite). Currently, small demo applications include: - file sharing (download + uploads) -
image slideshows - music streaming
 - localisation / geotagging / mapping (eg: a gsm signal quality
monitoring function for smartphones or wifi for laptops) More
information about the goals are here: , the repo is online: . I'd be happy if someone wants to join, or i'm
open to merging the projects. Philippe
_______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing
list Regards, Yoganand
_______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing



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End of BangPypers Digest, Vol 60, Issue 5

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