On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Prem Sri <newtech2le...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Two systems
>> System-1: XP, Firefox_ver: 12; python-2.7.3, jdk-1.6 and setup the
>> path.Installed jenkins [Unable to understand the usage].
>> System-2: XP, Firefox_ver: 4; python-2.7.2, jdk-1.6 and setup the path.
>> Python-Selenium script: Taken the script and modified accordingly and PFA
>> for the same
>> [http://readthedocs.org/docs/selenium-python/en/latest/getting-started.html#using-selenium-with-remote-webdriver]
>> Both systems are in the same network and communicating properly.
>> System-1:
>> Started the RC server as hub "java -jar
>> selenium-server-standalone-2.22.0.jar -role hub"
>> Started the node "java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.22.0.jar -role node
>> -hub http://System-2IP:4445/grid/register -browser
>> browserName=firefox,version=4,firefox_binary="C:\Program Files\Mozilla
>> Firefox",maxInstances=1,platform=WINDOWS"

Its been some years since I've touched a Windows machine so I'll try
to help with things that are not OS-dependent.

1. You said "taken the script and modified accordingly and PFA for the
same", What is PFA?
2. Are you using a cross-cable to connect the client (system-2) to the
server (system-1) as you have installed jenkins on system1 and
python-selenium script on system2. What messages did you get when you
started the server? Are you keeping the Selenium server running while
trying to test it? Paste the output in pastebin.com and post the link

>> System-2:
>> Nothing is running

In an earlier mail you mentioned "run the selenium script in python on
remote systems" but the scenario you describe above has only 2
systems. Can you explain what you mean by "remote system" - a few
remote servers / deploying CI on a server farm /or deploying on a
remote VPS / something else? I'm not sure I understood your question.

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