Thank you Vishal...I will try with this... i think it should suffice my
requirement ...

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 12:52 PM, Vishal <> wrote:

> Move the DLLs and PYDs whereever you want to put them.
> use regsvr32.exe from Windows\System32 directory to register these DLLs and
> PYD files (one by one), in their new location
> Now when you run the executable, windows will provide it with the correct
> file as and when it summons them.
> Please know that its best to simply register the latest versions and let
> them be used.
> If you wish to provide the latest version with your executable, and If you
> think your users may have an already registered version of the DLL (say
> from an earlier install followed by a bad uninstall), you should have the
> intended dll file (the latest version) and a <dll_name>.local file (just a
> file with this name) in the same folder as your executable. Having this
> arrangement, forces the executable to use the dll that is available
> locally, instead of Windows providing it with the registered version.
> Also know that the above is sometimes considered bad practice (
> )
> --
> Thanks and best regards,
> Vishal Sapre
> ---
> "Life is 10% how you make it, and 90% how you take it"
> "बहुजन हिताय, बहुजन सुखाय (Benefit for most people, Happiness for most
> people.)"
> ---
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