There's the Thoughtworks Koramangala office, for one.

-- Sriram

On 1/16/12, Anand Chitipothu <> wrote:
> 2012/1/8 Pratap Chakravarthy <>
>> > +1 for anything really. Is there someone willing to talk about
>> > something?
>> Just this morning I was planning to make our web toolkit pluggdapps
>> compatible with PyPy. Since this is free software and since I am
>> planning to do some hands-on with PyPy in coming months. I can provide
>> a series of presentation on my experience.
>> * I am not a professional speaker.
>> * I need to know the meet-up date 2-3 weeks earlier since I had to
>> book my tickets to blore.
>> PS: Right now I don't know anything about PyPy, but I can start with
>> other aspects of pluggdapps and as and when pieces of code gets moved
>> to PyPy we can validate the claims on PyPy.
> How about meeting on Jan 21, Saturday at 3:00PM?
> Any suggestions for venue?
> I can talk about my recent project, datastore.
> Anand
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