
> > Hi
> >
> >  I have come across wide range of ORM in python.
> >
> > Out all examples and discussions, every one seems to recommend
> > SQLAlchemy, but it has deep learning curve whereas storm, peewee are
> > light weight. Have anyone tried any of these for non-trivial project
> > or real life big sites, in case yes please share the experience.
> Never used Storm or peewee. SQLAlchemy has a steep curve and it's often
> hard to grapple with its concepts but it can do pretty much everything
> you want it to. If you're dealing with SQL and Python, it's the de facto
> way.
> I've used SQLAlchemy for a couple of non trivial projects. These were a
> long time ago and my uses were bad so I don't really consider it
> experience as such.
> Another option (although not an ORM) is the web.py database wrapper
> web.db. It's a lightweight wrapper around raw SQL and quite nice to
> use.
Yes every web framework(except microframework) has their own , I read a lot
about of articles  django orm issues.

SQLAlchemy has deep roots with Java Hibernate.

> --
> ~noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in
> Talking about a piece of movie dialogue: Let's have some new cliches.
> -Samuel Goldwyn
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