Please don't reply to digests. It's hard to follow the thread. Start a
new thread for a new topic. Helps threading.

If all you need is a "coming soon" page, do you really need all the
things you've mentioned below? Sounds excessive. 

If you're not averse to using a third party service, consider You can create a launch page for free and use it
rather than do one manually.

P.S. This is the first email I've seen that's explictly asking for a
     "beautiful" coder to get work done. :)

bhuvan thaker <> writes:

> I am looking for smart and beautiful coder to create a coming soon
> page from the design that is already made in PSD format.
> Individual need to have every good understanding and hands-on
> experience of
> a. Basic web standards like CSS 3 and HTML, HTML5, XHTML.
> b. Web technologies like Ajax and others like python, PHP, django,
> jquery etc...
> c. Understand different CMS platforms + basic SEO
> d. Understand integration of different social sites and other
> analytical tools.
> e. Understand cloud based tools for storage (database) and hosting of
> website and web application.
> f. Understand Flash, Photoshop, HTML editor and other DTP (optional
> but will be preferred)
> Please contact me if you are interest.
> Bhuvan



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