Hello Everyone,

I have a friend, who's finished his education and looking for work. He
asked me about freelance programming and I had nothing to share with him.
Thought of getting to know this mode of professional programming.

I am trying to get a feel of how it is to do freelance programming...in
Python..in India ?

What are the (good) websites that a person in India can approach ?

What is the usual pay structure (as in you being in India, and the payment
happening in some international currency), share with website etc ?

How successful have you been at getting projects where Python is required ?
(You can say the truth here...its not going to be made public and its not
going to increase your competition :) )

Suggestions, pointers for nu-bee freelancers etc ?

Hope this would be an interesting topic to everyone :))

Thanks and best regards,
Vishal Sapre
BangPypers mailing list

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