On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 02:24:08PM +0530, deepak gupta wrote:
> I am gettingĀ  "no OPENSSL_Applink" while creating context for HTTPS
> server, It occur in the lineĀ  'ctx.set_tmp_dh('dh1024.pem')'.  Do
> any one knows why this error occured and what will happen if I will
> comment 'ctx.set_tmp_dh('dh1024.pem')' line and proceed.

Some explanation  first. When dealing with SSL, you create an SSL
Context object and then feed in the required certs, passphrases, keys
etc and then give callbacks and actions to that. That is most of the
systems are designed to work.

In your case, you are using M2Crypto library to provide the SSL

M2Crypto seem to have this method called set_tmp_dh and the dh stands
for the diffee hellman algorithm and consuming the .pem certificate to
be associated with the  your ssl context object.

If you the .pem certificate is of the format which is not applicable
to the algorithm you are using, then you might get some errors.



My question is, how did you decide to use the set_tmp_dh method?
Depending upon the requirement, you may choose to use it correctly or
ignore it.

> 2nd problem is I am getting SSL.error : unexpected eof error, If I comment 
> and proceed.

You mean, if you ignore the set_tmp_dh method and then proceed?

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