Hello Deepak,

On Fri, Oct 07, 2011 at 06:31:01PM +0530, deepak gupta wrote:
> 1. Proxy server ( : HTTPS port (8000) binding on this
> server and user will access this server and browse some url's.for ex
> 2. This (proxy) server will talk to another web server
> actual backend server ( 8000) over HTTP/HTTPS . HTTPS
> proxy server will forward the request to the backend server and get
> back the response and then return to client browser.

This is slightly involved task. What kind of libraries have look at?
>From your description, it looks to me that you are interested in a
"Reverse" Proxy server than the forward proxy.

If you use twisted to build servers, then you could use twisted.web to
write the https proxy server which would be forwarding the requests to
another resource.


Apart from that there seems to be plethora of libraries and tools
trying to do that, which you can use.

Squid reverse proxy also is easy to configure if you would like to for
an out of box solution.

> We have created but it is hanging and sometime not returning full
> data.


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